I say, "Let's sit down." A wise man once said E=Mc3. When he was corrected by another wise man, he got mad.
Fortunately for us Bronx lovers, neither guy lived here and brought their differences to this board. To be honest, I don't
think there even was a Bronxboard back then. Come to think of it, I don't think there was even an internet!
Needless to say, it's impolite to eavesdrop on other peoples' conversations - especially when they are arguing
about things that concern them - and them alone! Similarly, it's impolite for them to argue their differences in front of
others! "Others" meaning us!
So here's my proposal: Let's get married. Oops...wrong proposal. What I meant was, Let's all agree on this:
there was a beautiful home that we all shared. It was called The Bronx. We loved it, our parents loved it and we were lucky
to have spent many years living there. Then things changed. Bad people, destructive people who didn't love and appreciate
it as much as we did....well they changed it for the worse. Now, it only exists in our fading memories. I sense that a similar
thing may be happening to The Bronxboard. For many of us, this forum is all we have left to remind us of the way our beloved
borough used to be. Please...no more discord. Don't let this (till now) little spark of friendly nostalgia go the way of its