My education at Electoral College. It's
not a real college. Actually, I don't know what it is. In it I was forced - forced to do things I didn't like. To illustrate,
here's my "college" transcript: 1964 - Mr Goldwater forced me to vote for Johnson. 1972 - Mr McGovern
forced me to vote for Nixon. 1976 - Mr Ford forced me to vote for Carter. 1996 - Mr Dole forced me to vote
for Clinton. 2000 - Mr Gore forced me to vote for Bush. 2004 - Mr Bush is forcing me to vote for Kerry. My
experience at Electoral College has taught me that Electoral College ought to close for good! In my state one candidate has a 1 point lead. That
means ALL the electoral college votes go for that guy; even if the state popular vote is a majority of ONE!
You people who went to REAL colleges know that already. Think it's fair? I don't! PS.