Why are we all so concerned about money? Even small amounts, like a 25 cent or 50 cent toll on a bridge? Is not the bridge
itself more important than a little bit of pocket change? And what do we owe to those brave men who risked their lives every
day building that great span (the largest in the world at the time!). Where would New Jersey be today if not for the George
Washington Bridge? And what about the MAN himself? The father of our country has had his birthday stripped from the list of
national holidays, and collected into something weird called "Presidents Day". So we honor Harding, Fillmore and Polk with
the same esteem as George? And that capital that we named for him...What's with the "D.C."? And the state that bears his name...It's
always raining out there! And their apples aren't as good as New York State ones anyway!
And now we argue over the cost of crossing his bridge. We should...I mean YOU should be ashamed of yourself. As for me,
in the unlikely event that I ever want to go to Hackensack or Secaucus I'll take the Lincoln Tunnel. Uh oh..don't get me started
on Abe!