Dear Sheila:
How are you? I am fine!
I stayed up late last night after our phone confab (I learned that word when I used to have a job
in California...Confab!
- it means conference). I waited by the computer for a sign...any sign...hoping to hear from, as he calls himself, my
favorite nephew. Nuttin. Nada. Gornisht. At approximately 3AM I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.
It's now just around 10AM in the morning. After a sleepless night of turning (I never learned
how to toss) I ran to the computer only to be disappointed once again. I dreamed of tunnels and bridges all night. The Midtown,
the Bklyn-Battery, The Eisenhower (that's a train tunnel under the Rockies - in case you didn't know) The Macomb's Damn,
the Whitestone, the London and
even the Delaware Memorial. Then I thought of Lloyd and woke up screaming. (He was such a bad guy in High
Noon but a good guy on Seinfeld. How do they do that?).
Anyway, even though I feel that I am being the butt of some nasty joke by you, and that there is no such
thing as a thesis about such a silly subject, I will stay home all day, not go out, not eat, not watch television and just
sit here at the computer and wait. I won't even look for a job!
If this is some sort of amusement for you, or if you're punishing me for not helping you when you were in
college (I could have made you a Summer Come Louder instead of just a Come Louder), well maybe I deserve it. But I wanted
you to do college on your own so you'd be stronger when you entered the dog-eat-dog world of anthropology.
Love, Lewis.
PS. If this is some cruel stunt by you...shame on you for bringing Andrew into it! (He really is my
fav-neph - but don't tell any of the others!).
Dear Dimonds (Senior Variety):
How are you? I am fine!
To answer your question,("Who cares about Passover?").... Charlton Heston.
And since I'm e-mailing anyway, I might as well offer some statistics re: Wilmington's Motel
Row, aka Market Street. Even though you already made reservations, this may be of some interest:
Greentree Inn....$54.99 per day plus tax
Americas Best...$69.95 "
Ramada Inn.......$75.95 "
Quality Inn..........$98.99 "
Comfort Suites..$116.96 "
I'm just mentioning the "better ones". You'll notice there's no mention of Motel
6 or the Econo Lodge or the Howard Johnson's and other favorites of mine - but
not suited to the "A-List Travelers" such as yourselves. (nuff said?)
Sandye and I are looking forward to showing you ALL of Wilmington, Leland and Winnabow. That'll take about 20 minutes - then we'll have to think of something
else to do.
You're coming at an inconvenient time. The Azalea Queen has already been crowned and the Alligator
roundup doesn't start until June. And political things being the way they are, the Sons of the Confederacy have canceled
their salute to Jews and Coloreds.
Have a nice trip, and we'll talk again before you come.
Love, Lewis