Well, here we are, right at the beginning of the holiday season - in other words, Channukah is just moments away (I stretch
the meaning of "moments" - but I don't care!). That means only one thing. By the time you receive this message I will be on
my way to the Social Security office with birth certificate (official seal of the great borough of The Bronx affixed), driver's
license (with the great seal of North Carolina [minus Confederate flag since that damn ACLU paid us a visit])and last pay
stub ($75.50). If all goes as planned, I will at last be on my way to financial freedom - assuming the world will still be
here in February 2005. If it makes you feel a little older knowing that your little brother is getting an old age pension,
well, too bad. Just enjoy it...I know I will!
Well wish me luck with the bureaucrats, and after those 800 dollar checks start rolling in, you'll never have to worry
about me hitting you up for dough! Unless I want to buy something.
Love, Lewis
P.S. I have much more to say, but it's time for my nap.