I read all the postings about the kidney stone problem. I figured I had nothing to lose since lemon juice and olive oil
sounds like nothing more dangerous than salad dressing. Bought house brand Virgin Olive Oil and
house brand bottle of Lemon Juice (reconstituted from concentrate
- whatever that means!). Total cash outlay $4.45. A reasonable amount - considering any alternative treatment. After two days
of two swallows per day (2 oz of each, followed by glass of water) pain seemed to subside. After 4 days, ALL GONE! I don't
know if the little pebble dissolved and passed or if it just reduced in size to where it no longer bothers me. All I know
is that if the pain should again be felt, I will start the routine again. It's been a week now - and so far I'm still AOK.
Thank you website creators and contributors!