Jerry asks:
Were we the last stickball generation?
YES! is the short answer. Now for the long one.
Stickball, black-and-white TV, typewriter, dial telephone (and phone booths!) carbon paper, phonograph, double features
(with cartoon!).
I'm sure my co-contributors to this forum could add many of their own lost features of "Our Bronx generation". But to "stick"
to the stickball reference you mention, I have to say that that great game was, in my opinion, as much a unique characteristic
of New York City as any of its famous landmarks. As I've lived in several places around America, I never met anyone from outside
our home town who played the game. They had football, baseball, basketball and the like, but broomhandles and
We had to improvise on the streets, in the schoolyards and alleys to get our fun. We didn't have moms to drive us to soccer
practice. And although I've seen some reference to it here, I don't think the vast majority of us kids were involved in Little
League. That took a lot of players, uniforms, equipment and especially grass. All our beloved game needed in addition
to a stick and a ball was one or two other kids, 2 sewers and a pair of sneakers. It's gone...let's move on. Tennis anyone?
Mr Park asks: Will all "gangs" become illegal some time soon?
A noted scholar responds:
If true.....Bad news for the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, B'Nai Brith, Knights of Columbus, 4 H Club, NRA, Teamsters Local
64, Alcoholics Anonymous, Little Sisters of Mary, People for the American Way, Hicksville Kite Flyers Club, Elvis Lives Assoc,
Miami Dolphins (they're finished anyway), Loyal Sons of the Confederacy, United Farm Workers, Fair Play for Cuba Committee,
ASPCA, Nudists of America, NAMBLA, Young Mens Hebrew Assoc, Hudson River Preservation Assoc, People for the Repeal of Marijuana
Laws, United Way, Campfire Girls, San Francisco Gay Mens Choir, Amboy Dukes and The Bronx Board Loyal Contributors Club. Everyone
else is safe. Oh more thing that will be gone - The U.S. Constitution.