Miss Biderman, of The Bronx Bidermans, wrote the following to me:
Yesterday morning I mailed you a card and when I got home from work there was a Chanukah card from you.
I don't want you to think I sent you a card just because you sent me one. But we are on the same wave length!
Aren't we?
letter called for an immediate response.
Dear Ilene:
Do you REALLY expect me to believe story like this? Boy...I must be dumber
than I look! I know, and YOU know, that the only reason you sent us a card (as yet undelivered due
to the local postmaster, [his name is Virgil by the way]) refusing to deliver any Chanukah cards until all the Christmas cards
are delivered) is that we sent one to you!
This fits your pattern perfectly. Examples? Sure, I could list them forever!
>The only reason you have a boyfriend from The Bronx is that Sandye has one.
>The only reason you sold your Co-Op is that Lewis sold his condo.
>The only reason you have that fakakta disease of yours is that Lewis had a kidney stone.
And it's not only you! Let's look at the boyfriend...shall we?
The only reason Jerry became a doorman (let's face it, a shameful occupation
at best) is because Lewis was a delivery boy - even more shameful!
So don't give me that "same wave length" crappola! The only reason you sent me a card,(as
yet undelivered - see explanation above) is because I sent you a card. And since the one I sent you was bought
in the 99 Cent Store... I'm willing to bet that you did the same! (Although in Manhattan
it's probably the 99 Dollar Store!).
Love, Lewis (just a bit smarter than you think!)
PS. And I have a feeling that the only reason that you love us is that we love you.
Right?...Of course right!!!