Serge asks: Do You Regret Leaving The Bronx???
What a question! Of course all the people here are sorry they left The Bronx! Why the heck do you think they still call
themselves Bronxites, and come to this Board every day? Sometimes posting stuff several times a day! Most of us would like
to come back to the home turf - for a prolonged visit, if not to move back permanently! Speaking for myself, and maybe one
or two other homesick crybabies, I'll come back for good when a majority of the following criteria
are met:
They start to film SON of MARTY
Trolleys return (5 cents a ride)
Rent control at 1953 prices
Deli's return
A World's Fair at Crotona Park
The Cross Bx Expy is turned into a bike path
Lehman becomes Hunter again
becomes a High School again
English declared the official language
"Decoration Day" parades again on The Concourse
parking space for every car
The only people selling drugs are pharmacists
Stickball made legal
Zoo admission... FREE!
The reason for The Bronx's decent into crime is that so many people moved out. And the good thing
about Taft HS being changed into a school where the only subjects taught are ones that kids are interested in - like car repair
and beauty shop jobs. No more boring stuff like history, math and English.
An intelligent reader responds thusly:
Gotta clear up some misinformation.
To you who said that the neighborhood's decline can be blamed
on those who moved out....Excuse me? Does moving out automatically trigger a criminal slime ball moving in? Do those who move
out search the world for bums to replace them? I don't remember getting a letter from my landlord saying it was my fault that
the apartment's new renter tore up the place!
To you who said that the "new" Taft is better than the old because it gives the students subjects that
they're "interested in" - instead of "boring" things such as history (of the Country they're going live and VOTE in), math
(like 2 + 2 = 4) and English (like how to read and write - and god forbid grammar!). Well, the results of such new methods
of education remain to be seen. I have my doubts that such experiments will result in better citizens, a better America or
a better Bronx.